Resources and Handouts


Find any resources and handouts that will be referenced and discussed during the 2024 Habits Summer Institute by browsing below:

Full Track Handout Download

Habits Institute – BAND Track

Click below to download a .zip file containing ALL handouts for Band Resources

Habits Institute – ORCHESTRA Track

Click below to download a .zip file containing ALL handouts for ORCHESTRA sessions


Creating Habits of Success in the Young Band

Clinician: Scott Rush

Habits of a Successful
Percussion Section

Clinician: Kevin Boyle

High School Band Techniques

Clinician: Scott Rush

Habits of a
Successful Wind Ensemble

Clinician: Scott Rush

Habits of a Significant Band Director

How Successful Band Directors Leave a Musical and Personal Legacy

Clinician: Scott Rush

Individual Performance-Based Rubric

Percussion Clinic – Exercise Packet

Clinician: Kevin Boyle

Percussion Clinic – Front Ensemble Packet 2023

Clinician: Kevin Boyle

Percussion Techniques

Clinician: Kevin Boyle

Marching Band and Other High School Percussion Techniques

Clinician: Kevin Boyle

The Value of Music Connections

Clinician: Mary Land

Repertoire is Everything

Clinician: Mary Land

Angels We Have Heard on High

Lead Sheets

Making JOY Your Tonal Center

6 Keys to Fulfillment and Well-Being in Teaching, Music-Making, and Life

Clinician: Matthew Arau

Upbeat! The Power Within

Clinician: Matthew Arau

Habits of a Successful Band Director

Practical Rehearsal Strategies that Lead to Music-Making

Clinician: Scott Rush

Most Commonly Missed Errors in Middle School Band

Clinician: Jeff Scott

Why the HABITS Series Works

Clinician: Jordan Sawyer

Recruiting and Retention

Clinician: Jeff Scott

Meaningful Middle School Band Rehearsals

Clinician: Rite Wilder

Beginning Band Karate Belt Mastery System

Clinician: Salvador Rodriguez

Teaching through Rain, Sleet, Snow and a 7th Grade Fire Drill

Clinician: Marguerite Wilder

Empowering Student Success through Daily Haibts

Clinician: Salvador Rodriguez


Perfecting the Art of the Beginning Orchestra Class 

Clinician: Margaret Selby

Teaching Cello in the Orchestra Classroom (Like a Cellist!)

Clinician: Margaret Selby

Building a Healthy School Orchestra Program:

Recruiting, Retention, and Creating A Culture of Success

Clinician: Margaret Selby

Growth, Sustainability and Happiness:

How to Teach Your Heart Out Without Burning Out

Clinician: Margaret Selby

Establishing A Value System Within
Your Music Program

Clinician: Jonathan Glawe

Double “Bass”ics:

Guiding The
Beginning & Intermediate Player

Clinician: Jonathan Glawe

Invigorating Repertoire For Your
Orchestra Students

Clinician: Jonathan Glawe

Introducing and Improving Violin/Viola Technique

Clinician: Christopher Selby

So, What’s the Plan?

Clinician: Christopher Selby

 Teaching Professional Quality Intonation -Blending Left Hand Skills with Ensemble Tone

Clinician: Christopher Selby

Selecting and Teaching Concert Music

Clinician: Christopher Selby

The Right Hand for Teaching Tone, Rhythm, and Ensemble Skill

Clinician: Christopher Selby

Unlocking the Mystery of Middle School Students

Clinician: Sarah Ball

Selections Offering Success

Clinician: Sarah Ball

Setting up Violin/Viola in Large Groups

Clinician: Sarah Ball

Upbeat! The Power Within

Clinician: Matthew Arau

Habits Universal Institute

JUNE 29-JULY 2, 2025

Charleston Southern University
Charleston, South Carolina

Hotel and TravelFull ScheduleOur Clinicians